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Happenings on Bohicket Road April 24, 2020

Hey Friends - It's week 99,000 of quarantine so I though I'd catch y'all up on what we've been doing and how we've been coping. I haven't been able to visit mom in over a month - even though she lives around the corner from us. It's a good thing, of course, but we really enjoy Saturdays with her at the Village Bakery for breakfast and then an early supper together when Doug gets home from work. Usually we go to our favorite authentic Mexican restaurant. They do a mean table side guac and the sauce on the shrimp tacos is creamy, zippy, orange yummyness.

The main accomplishment to date has been planting our first ever raised vegetable garden. It was a lot more work than that peppy looking garden guru lady in Southern Living led me to believe. Prepping the soil was the big job. We have a garden plot near the front door that gets the most sun - it's also right outside my home office so I can't forget about it. We inherited hideous bushes in that space which I chopped down two or three years ago because 1)The ugliness offended me greatly and 2) there were nasty ground hornets entrenched under them that made sitting outside hazardous morning and evening all spring and summer. Speaking of roots - I thought I'd gotten them all out when I removed the bushes, but nooooooo. They were endless - snaking everywhere just under the surface and about an inch thick. Digging those up was an ordeal - Jake had to get the axe. Ay ca rumba.

Building the raised frame was the easy part. I've been scavenging lumber from all kinds of places - so, free, haha. The bed wound up about 10 feet long and 4 feet wide. I didn't nail the frame together at the corners so there is room to "grow" (sorry) at the west end. I left a space about three feet wide between the house and the bed so I can get to the back row without having to step around anything. That's where the tallest plantings are - tomatoes, sage, and cucumbers. Who knew cucumber plants are climbers? This is my first attempt at growing more than a few herbs and one tomato plant at a time. A "Victory Garden" seemed appropriate now. CBS Sunday Morning did a story on this trend which you can view on YouTube.

I don't like marigolds - I think they are butt ugly; however, my local nursery had a variety called "super hero spry" that are mostly red and rather cute. I hope they do their job and protect from bugs. I planted two dahlias just because. To me, they look like frilly, folded, paper party fans. My neighbor Mia in Virginia had dahlias out front and I always admired them - so when I came upon them in the greenhouse I splurged.

The cauliflower and Brussels sprouts seedlings were free - and they seem to be quite happy where I put them. Maybe destined for pizza crust...?

In the 10 days since I planted seeds, four seeds per Dixie cup of cilantro, basil and red bell pepper - only one basil has sprouted. Is it the cups' fault? I double cupped them so they'd drain and I keep them in full sun all day. I'm beginning to think I should sew some more a different way as backup...

Better get back to work. Maybe next time I'll write about my UFQ's (unfinished quilts) that I'm finally working on. Til then, I'd love to hear from you.

Stay safe and healthy! -Susan

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